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Happenings Around Embrey

Mom working from home with child

07 August . 2020

Parents Turned Teachers

Homeschooling this Fall during the COVID-19 Pandemic

With homeschooling on the horizon for parents as we move to schools reopening for the 2020 school year, we wanted to put together a list of our favorite resources and insights on how to best manage working, parenting, and homeschooling while balancing the new lifestyle COVID-19 has pushed upon us.

Here at Embrey Mill, we’re working to build a community where you can rely on each other for resources, information, and support as we navigate the upcoming school year together.

Below you’ll find stories and articles about parents just like you and how they’re navigating these unique times – from parenting babies to teenagers and every in between, we hope these resources help you feel better prepared for this school year.

Working & Parenting – with Newborns

“While infants require a lot of direct attention, by planning ahead you can get work done in short spurts of time.” – Healthy Children

“Now is the time to lean into staying home and safe while enjoying extra snuggle time. When you need to go out, enjoy solo walks in the fresh air with your baby while making sure to keep a six-foot distance from others. These are great for your mental health as well.” –

Working & Parenting  –  with Toddlers & Preschoolers

“When toddlers and preschoolers play together, they play in parallel. In other words, they play similar activities next to each other. Every once in a while they'll take a peek to see what the other child is doing. You can imitate this sort of play with your toddler.

“Sit next to her while she plays, but instead of playing with a toy, finish 15 minutes of your own task. Your child will appreciate your presence, and the friendly check-ins—like a smile or a compliment (“I love what you are making")—will extend play time. When you notice your child getting bored, suggest moving to the next [activity].” – Healthy Children

“Many educational websites are offering free subscriptions during school closures. The Facebook group Amazing Educational Resources gathered them into a public spreadsheet. It includes resources for readingmathhistoryChinesecodingmusic and more.

Google created a page of teacher-approved apps for download.

Scholastic learn-at-home is offering free online resources during the crisis, including 20 days of lessons for grades pre-K to 9 and up to three hours of lessons a day” – Today

Working & Parenting – with School-Age Children

“Family routines are important to reduce anxiety and improve behavior. Putting together a flexible master schedule for the week is helpful for all children, but especially for school-aged kids.

Fill those routines with a variety of activities such as regular meal times, physical and imaginative play, artwork, building, helping with housework, thinking and learning activities, and free time.

You can fit chunks of time in your family's daily schedule for you to do your work, and explain to your child that during these times they get to be a “big kid" and occupy themselves with their own activities.” – Healthy Children

“I’ve spent the last three years doing a lot of work on the weekends, while my husband is off. Can you get up early and work for a few hours while your kids are asleep? If you have a co-parent, could your partner take over in the late afternoon and take full responsibility for one or two subjects while you head off to your home office or bedroom? That type of flexibility will help you stay caught up.” – Mary Sauer, Good Housekeeping

Working & Parenting – with Tweens/Teens

“In addition to the types of routines that are good for school-age children, setting goals is useful for tweens and teens. Teens are capable of forward thinking (like planning, anticipating and estimating), but don't often use those skills unless challenged. Goal setting is a great exercise for their brains. It encourages them not only to think about possibilities, but also to make plans for how to reach them.” – Healthy Children

“Children who can safely make themselves a meal and care for pets can most likely look after themselves for the span of a school day. Parents should provide emergency contacts and check in regularly; if an older child has to be responsible for a younger sibling, try to ensure that they are keeping the peace and are able to get their work done.” – New York Times

Working & Parenting – at Embrey Mill

The community here at Embrey Mill is one of support, camaraderie, and resilience. We know that you’re hard at work to make your family thrive as we enter the next school year, and we are here to help facilitate. Keep an eye on our social media accounts for tips and tricks on parenting, homeschooling, DIY crafts, and community competitions as we work to make our community even stronger, the Embrey Mill way.