22 June . 2018
National Take Your Dog to Work Day
June 22nd is National Take Your Dog to Work Day! In honor of this we want to shed light on the benefits of having a dog in the workplace. Our furry friends lower our stress, bring us closer together and motivate us to do better!
After a long day of work, isn’t it great to come home to a smiling face happy to see us? They jump up and down, basically giving you a small parade every single time you come in the door. It’s as if we’ve been gone for days! They make us happy and because of that we let go of our stress. So imagine that in the office. Every time you come back from a hard meeting you have a happy greeter!
Happy, excited dogs don’t only make owners happy, but everyone around us. Dogs can be a great ice breaker for meeting new people and can also add to conversation for those who already know each other. How do you not pay attention to an adorable dog in the office? They can help build relationships as well as strengthen them. Because of these reasons and so many more they motivate us to do better daily.
Sometimes they directly motivate us. For example, if you go for a run with your pup and half way through it you’re ready to give up, they pull you along. Sometimes when our dogs make us happier they indirectly affect how hard we work. “A happy employee is a good employee.” Right? Well, having our one of the biggest causes of happiness in the office, I’d say that makes for happy employees.