24 May . 2017
Summer Swimming Safety
With the hazy, lazy days of summer fastly approaching, as well as the opening of the Embrey Mill pool on Saturday, May 27, now is a great time to review some swimming safety tips to keep our littlest swimmer’s safe while enjoying all the pool has to offer.
Eyes and Attention: Never turn your back while your child is in the pool. Not even for a second.
Lifeguards are Life Savers: Your child should only be in the pool when a lifeguard is on duty, however you should still have your eyes on your child at all times.
Arms Reach at All Times: Always keep a hand on babies and toddlers while in the pool. Children under 5, even those that are strong swimmers, should always be within an arm’s reach of an adult.
No Dunking: Little kids can swallow large amounts of water, which can be very dangerous. Never dunk a child under 3. Keep in mind, dunking can also increase a fear of swimming in a child.
Teach the Basics: By the time your child is a toddler, they should know the rules of the pool. Especially no running near the pool or going near the pool without an adult.
Know CPR – Knowing how to perform CPR on a child is A MUST. It could save their life.
Swimming, splashing and playing in the pool is a happy childhood memory for most of us. Keeping these safety tips in mind will help keep the experience safe and happy for all of our littlest swimmers.
#Swimming, #Summer, # PoolSafety, #CPR