08 June . 2017
PCS'ing with your pet
Moving is just as stressful on your pet as it can be for you. Fortunately, pets are very adaptable. Once they have reached their destination the thrill of a new house and neighborhood to explore will help them forget their troubles. Here at Embrey Mill we offer Dogwood Dog Park for your four legged friends to run and play as well as meet the other pups of the community.
Pet Travel Checklist
As you’re packing up for your move, don’t forget to keep these items available:
- PET CARRIER: Even if your pet doesn’t always travel in a carrier, bring one. This keeps your pet safe and secure in the car, and provides a familiar “retreat” in hotel rooms.
- PET FOOD AND TREATS: Be sure to pack food supplies, because your pet’s favorites may not be available in stores along the way.
- FAVORITE PET TOYS: These can make travel more fun and relaxing for pet and humans alike (especially the little ones!).
- TRAVEL BLANKET: The smell and texture of a blanket that’s familiar to your pet can have a calming effect.
- LEASHES: Remember to always leash your pet BEFORE getting out of your car.
- LINES FOR OUTDOOR RUNS: Some hotels offer outdoor runs for stretching your pet’s legs (and your own). Be prepared to use them.
- PORTABLE WATER AND FOOD BOWLS: These are easy to clean and can often be collapsed to take up less space.
- PET MEDICATIONS: Make sure you have enough for both the trip and at least two weeks after you arrive at your new destination.
- VACCINATION RECORDS: These are required if you unexpectedly need to board your pet in a kennel.
- PHONE NUMBER OF HOME VET: This will expedite transfer of any needed medical records or prescriptions.