15 December . 2017
Family Fun Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Though we all love the idea of flowers, chocolates, getting dressed up for a romantic, candlelit dinner and the exchange of sentimental gifts, once we start to have our own little “Valentine’s” running around that picture perfect scenario seems harder to attain. However, just because it’s no longer just the two of you, Valentine’s Day can still be a holiday filled with lots of love for the entire family.
- Start off with breakfast being a family affair. No grabbing a quick protein bar and rushing for the bus or car pool. Instead, make heart-shaped pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream. Have the kids help prepare and sit together as a family starting the day with love. You can drive the kids to school on this special day and in their lunch box, have a special note written to each child, letting them know how much you love them, what they mean to you, and how proud you are of them.
- When the kids get home from school it might be fun to make some holiday treats and Valentine’s Day decorations together. It would be very special if each child made a card for each of their siblings as well as mom and dad, listing at least three things they love about them.
- It might not be quiet or romantic, but nobody said you can’t have a family candlelit dinner. Have the kids get dressed up, set the table with your best china, and let the kids use a fancy wine glass for their drink. Make a scrumptious three course dinner or make it simple and order a pizza. Either way with the lights out and the candles lit, it will be a special meal, they’re sure to remember.
- After dinner, break out the family photo albums. It will be fun to show the kids pictures and special keepsakes of when you were dating, your wedding album, and then all the pictures of their arrivals into the world and all of the other happy memories of your family throughout the years.
- As the night winds down, light the fireplace, grab some pillows and blankets, pop some popcorn and have a movie night. Break out the classics, like “Beauty and the Beast”, “Cinderella”, or “Lady and the Tramp”.
Once the kids are off to bed and you’ve looked back on what a special day you've made for the entire family, it's time for a little bit of that romance to kick in and enjoy some special time with the person you’ve created your beautiful family with.